Nicki Minaj pulled double duty at Sunday’s MTV EMA in Glasgow, Scotland. Not only did she preside as host, but Her Minajesty hit the stage to perform a three-song medley. While seated in a throne, she kicked off her set with “Super Bass.”
“Scotland, I’d like to take you on a journey tonight,” said Nicki. “I’d like to go to the past and go to the future and back to the present. Can I do that tonight?”
With Skylar Grey on the piano, she also debuted a new song off The Pinkprint called “Bed of Lies,” in which she blasts an ex lover.
“You could never make eye contact / Everything you got was based off of my contacts / You a fraud, but I’ma remain icon stat,” spits Nicki.
She capped off the six-minute performance with her latest hit “Anaconda,” reenacting the chair dance from the racy video.
Nicki went home a winner, picking up the award for Best Hip-Hop against Drake and Eminem.
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